Selected Images of coins in the R4 Survey
The above image of coin ID 15, now in the Timms collection, shows a Class 1 coin typical of the numerically largest class of R4 coins.
Below is a similar image of coin ID 17 also Class 1 (Timms Collection).
Coins ID 17 and ID 18 are very likely a die match on the obverse. The reverses are similar but not a die match.
Diagram below is of coin ID 10. This coin has extra pellets on the Obverse, it is not uncommom to see coins that have a single pellet in between the downward legs of the "E" rune (that looks like a capital M). This coin also has unbarred crosses outside of the Standard on the Reverse as opposed to the coins above that have barred crosses.This coin has been placed in Class 6.
Coin ID 2 (Above) has an barred Horizontal "A" behind the head on the obverse instead of a horizontal chevron seen in other R4 coins, this is one of only two coins in the survey that have this symbol. Although registered on the EMC as an R4 this coin seems to exhibit many characteristics of earlier types in the R series continuum. The crown above the head on the obverse has a pellet within each of the pointed triangles and others inbetween the points. The reverse contains "T's" instead of "L's" and a trefoil of pellets in opposing corners, again this is an unusual combination of symbols in an R4 coin. Despite its unusual characteristics I have allocated it to class 7.
Coin ID 3 (Below) is the only other coin with a barred Horizontal "A".The runes are facing In/Out/In which is unusual. The reverse also has an unusual combination of symbols consisting of three "T's" and one large pellet around a central annulet. This coin is in class 4.
Two coins have the runic inscription SPI before the head on the obverse. These are coins ID 5 and ID 7, see below. Notice the difference between the runic S on coin ID 5 (left) and coin ID 7 (right). The tops of the runes face In/Out/Out on the left hand image and all face Out/Out/Out in the right hand image. This occurs quite frequently with the EPA combinations of runes.
Both of these "SPI" coins have unusual combinations of symbols on their reverses. ID 5 is pictured below left and ID 7 below right. ID 5 has two "L's" in opposite corners of the standard with a trefoil of pellets in the remaining corners. The image of ID 7 is not very clear, there are single large pellets in opposite corners of the standard. There don't seem to be any bars or pellets on the crosses but there is a Tufa or Fantail above the top of the standard which appears to have only one large pellet rather than the more usual three.